Oberes Kremstal

Oberes Kremstal

Vacation in Oberes Kremstal

The Oberes Kremstal also has a lot to offer for the summer holidays.
The Oberes Kremstal is a fine holiday destination, located in one of the most fascinating natural and cultural landscapes in the northern limestone Alps.

The region is located between the Alpine foothills, with the National Park Region OÖ Kalkalpen, and the holiday region Pyhrn Priel, and has much to offer for the summer holidays.


Inzersdorf im Kremstal Inzersdorf im Kremstal
Kirchdorf an der Krems Kirchdorf an der Krems
Micheldorf in Oberösterreich Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Oberschlierbach Oberschlierbach
Schlierbach Schlierbach

Mountain Sports

A soft landscape, where you can enjoy the beautiful summer, while mountain biking, cycling or hiking.

The region has a large number of hiking trails, where you can enjoy the landscape.

Water Sports

Although the region is Oberes Kremstal is not a big area, it has quite a bit to offer for lovers of water sports.

For example, in the natural swimming lake and Alpenbad Micheldorf.


Stift Schlierbach

A Baroque monastery, with glass painting and cheesemaking.

Burg Altpernstein

An impressive castle, with an illustrious history, and a very nice view of the area from the terrace.

Tourist information office

Klosterstraße 1 4553 Schlierbach
Telephone: +43 (0)7582 83028
Email: schlierbach@oberoesterreich.at
Internet: https://www.oberes-kremstal.at

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