Kaikenried - Teisnach

Kaikenried - Teisnach Summer Vacation
Kaikenried - Teisnach: 430 meters

Winter Winter Kaikenried - Teisnach

Vacation in Kaikenried - Teisnach

Welkom in Kaikenried - Teisnach
Good 15 kilometers northwest of Regen, you can spend a wonderful summer holiday in a natural landscape with many recreational opportunities.

The municipality Teisnach, with its village sections Altenmais, Arnetsried, Aschersdorf, Bärmannsried, Busmannsried, Hofstadt, Kaikenried, Oed, Stadlhof, Triendlmühle, Wetzelsdorf, Zinkenried and Sohl, mainly offers tranquility and hospitality.

Mountain Sports
Here are ample facilities provided for various outdoor sports, with varied walks, on a total of 100 kilometers hiking trails, which are equipped with several benches.

Also the nature trail, is very impressive.

Water Sports
The village has no water sports, but there are hotels with beautiful pools, and spa facilities.

Warm aanbevolen
For children there are playgrounds, and for adults, a visit to the Heimatbrauerei Ettl, is highly recommended.

Accommodations Accommodations Kaikenried - Teisnach

Tourist information office

Amtsgerichtstraße 6-8 94209 Regen
Telephone: +49 (0)9921 96050
Email: info@touristisches-service-center.de
Internet: http://www.arberland-bayerischer-wald.de

Surrounding Villages
Bayerisch Eisenstein Bayerisch Eisenstein
Bischofsmais Bischofsmais
Drachselsried Drachselsried
Frauenau Frauenau